Know Your Galaxy

‘Everyone can make a Difference’ is one of our Values. We believe that each Galaxite is our Talent and our pursuit is to build future leaders who create value. For those who are ready to take charge and lead from the front, Galaxy is the place to be. Our relentless pursuit is to build the competencies and capabilities of our people. We empower our people to take charge of their careers through multiple avenues such as:

Best in Class Manufacturing Facilities and Practices

Futuristic Learning and Development initiatives

Focused Leadership Development Programs through Galaxy Way of Leading

Multi Dimensional Capability Building Approach

People Energy Vision

“Galaxy group to be the Employer of Choice having ‘Talent to Outlast’ mindset with the culture of ‘Ownership’, where people experience high pace Growth, intense Nurturing, Belonging & Pride.”

“Galaxy has continually embraced significant change and made smooth transitions through changing paradigms. To future proof our growth story, the pillars needed are Innovation; Technology and then comes to the most crucial pillar i.e., talent.

Talent is the most significant element because if we have people on board who can deal with the ever-increasing challenges of business, growth is then just a bi-product. Talent forms the very underlying basis for an organization’s competitive advantage and decides its success or failure.

Keeping in perspective, the tremendous impact of talent, we at Galaxy have all practices centered around our People. People for us are not resources. They are sources creating quality resources, and hence we call our Human Resources as People Energy Process. Our People Practices and Talent Nurturing frameworks ensure that we get the right talent and nurture them, which forms the foundation for the entire spectrum of Capability Building and Leadership Development.

I welcome you to join this Galaxy of Opportunities, where we enable your passion for meeting your purpose.”

Vinod Singh
Head – People Energy Process (HR)

Vinod Singh

Galaxy’s way of leading

Galaxy Way of Leading is our management framework which is a collective set of Galaxy Beliefs, Practices and Behaviours which throws light upon how we shape our Driving Path (culture) and our Guiding Path (Strategy). Galaxy Way of Leading will be critical towards our business sustenance as it will guide our long-term choices, priorities and decisions ; which eventually will enable us to take bold pursuits to translate our Vision into Reality.

Mission - Vision - Strategy
Innovate to Lead
Talent to Outlast
Risk to Grow
Make Customers Win
Envision to Excel
Ethics, Sustainability and Governance
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