Sun care

Did you Know: ‘UV Rays cause premature skin aging damaging your skin, hair, eyes and at times even causing skin-cancers’

Sun Protection is a necessity today. A 13 Billion USD Industry, Sun Care today is not only about anti-tan and sun protection but also about products that offer additional value-added benefits such as anti-pollution, hair color protection, anti-aging and moisturisation.

Galaxy through its wide range of sunscreen ingredients, which includes – Galaxy 2932 (Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate), GalSORB OMC (HP), GalSORB Octocrylene, GalSORB Homosalate, GalSORB Octyl Salicylate; caters across applications and customers globally delivering superior value and performance.

Innovative Ingredients such as Galaxy Sunbeat (water-soluble ingredient), blends such as Galshield UV Care and Galshield UV Care Plus have been designed to give your brands just the edge it needs in the market place An in-house dedicated application team, expertise across formulations, customer centric approach and an extensive and sustainable basket of products have ensured Galaxy become the preferred supplier for sun care brands globally

Mr. Chintan Vora (Mild Surfactants and Sunscreens)
Mrs. Pooja Vaidya (Application and Tech Support: Personal Care)
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