
Proactive Efforts.
Responsible Actions
By 2030, Galaxy aims for waste circularity of 100% of waste generated at its site by carrying out product waste mapping. Aims for Zero Waste to Incineration by FY: 2026-27.

Waste management is carried out by educating employees across the organization by conducting various training. At the factory location, regular measurement and monitoring of waste generated is carried out.

At Galaxy Surfactants, we classify waste mainly as Hazardous and non-hazardous waste, Plastic Waste, Battery waste, E-waste, and Bio-Medical waste. Our efforts include reducing waste at the point of generation, re-using it for different processes, and proper disposal through relevant channels. World-class practices such as TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) have been adopted at our manufacturing sites over several years. We encourage our employees to share new ideas and challenge the status quo for alternative options of reducing, recycling, and reusing waste. To inculcate waste management as a culture, we have established programs like “Waste Elimination Suggestion Award Program (WESAP)” and Galaxy Manufacturing Excellence Award (GMEA).

Effluent Treatment:

We have Zero liquid discharge facility at our all-India operations site. Effluent treatment plants at all our India operation manufacturing sites are well equipped (MBR+RO+MEF) to ensure the effluent water treated is 100% recycled back into the operations. In FY 2022-23, 25% of our water consumption was met by recycled water.

Air Emissions:

We are committed to keeping our emissions below statutory norms while focusing on continuously improving our systems. For our manufacturing sites in India and Egypt, we measure and monitor SOx, NOx, PM (Particulate Matter), and Acid Mist emissions on a regular basis. To reduce our emissions, we have installed Scrubbers and Electrostatic Precipitators.

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